The Diary of Michael Shiner: Historical Background

The diary of Michael Shiner is held at the Library of Congress. It has been transcribed and annotated by John G. Sharp and made available through the Department of the Navy's Naval History and Heritage Command website. Below are excerpts from the diary that correspond to key moments in The Diary of Michael Shiner.

the 5 day of June 1833 on wensday my Wife and Childdren philis shiner wher sold to couple of gentelman Mr Franklin and mr John armfield and wher caried down to alexandria on the Six day of June 1833 on thursday the 7 of June 1833 on friday i went to alexandria 3 times in one day over the long Bridge and i wher in great distress But never the less with the assistance of god i got My Wife and Childdren Clear

i am under ten thousand oblagation to the Hon major genral Hamlin for his kindness to me and my Wife and Childdren on the 7 day of June 1833 on friday the general laid a Detach ment on my Wife and 3 Childdren at Mr armfield Jail and takein them from ther and put them in the county Jail of alexandria to wait action of the court and my Wife and Childdren Remained in the county Jail in alexandria from the 7 of June 1833 until the eleven of June 1833 on tusday and the Same day Mr levy pumphrey exacuted papers and Manermated them free the papers wher exacuted at the City Hall in washington she came up from alexandria the 12 day of June 1833 on wensday and i am allso under oblagations to Mr steil and Mrs steil for ther kindness to my Wife and Childdren while they wher in the Jail and may the allmighty Bless them they gave me such a Race at that time that all the people that wher acquianted with the affair in alexandria wher sorry for me and appeard to Be wiling to Relieve me of my disstress

i am also under great oblagation to comodore isaac Hull for the time my Wife wher Sold to george he had command of washington navy yard fore his kindness to me and allso to captain John H Aulic for his kindness to when my Wife wher Sold to george and allso to captain Joseph Hull for his kindness to me at that time at that he wher first lieutenant of washington navy yard and allso under the same oblagation to Major Cary Seldon who wher naval Store keepper and allso the Mr John ethridge which at that time he is comodores clerk and allso to Mr David eaton Boat swain

all those above name gentelmen all of them wher wiling to help me out my my disstresses in a honest up right way when my Wife and Childdren wher snacht away from me and sold on the 5 day of June 1833 on wensday from near West alley Between 7 and eighth st east and May the lord Bless them all i shal never forget them

the Metors fell from the elements the 12 of November 1833 on thursday in washington it frightened the people half to Death